12th Chapter

MDCAT Physics Chapter 12 Test

Here you can prepare MDCAT Physics Ch 12 Electromagnetic Induction Test. Click the button for 100% free full practice test.

MDCAT Physics Chapter 12 MCQ Test With Answer for Physics chapter 12 (Electromagnetic Induction)

The students can get the MCQs of Chapter 12 of Physics from this page. The MCQs of all the other chapters are also available that help the students during their preparation phase of MDCAT. The candidates can access the MCQs easily in a hassle-free manner so that they can solve them to strengthen their preparation.

MDCAT Physics Ch 12 Test

By practicing the online MCQs, the students have better insight into all the topics included in the chapter. After preparing, the students should spend the maximum time solving the MCQs. It will help the students to ace the exam with a better score. The primary purpose of providing online MCQs is to facilitate the students so they can prepare for the upcoming exam in a better way. Moreover, it is also mandatory for the students to score the maximum marks to get admission to medical and dental colleges. For further updates, keep visiting this platform.

This online test contains MCQs about following topics:.

a) Describe energy of photon E =hf . b) Understand the concept of photoelectric effect, threshold frequency and work function energy. c) Explain why the maximum photoelectric energy is independent of intensity where as photoelectric current is proportional to intensity. d) Describe Einstein’s Photoelectric equation 2 max 2 1 hf = mv . e) Define and explain de Broglie wavelength and use p h . f) Understand discrete energy levels of hydrogen atom and spectral lines g) Use the relation = hf = (E1 -E2 . h) Describe the production of X-rays and main features of X-rays tube. i) Identify use of X-rays. j) Explain Band Theory and its terms valence band, conduction band and forbidden band.

Top Scorers of MDCAT Physics Chapter 12 Atomic spectra Induction Online Test


Umme Essa

Lahore18 - Mar - 2025

02 Mins 23 Sec

Umme Essa

Lahore18 - Mar - 2025

02 Mins 14 Sec

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