1 |
An array script should be: |
- A. int
- B. float
- C. double
- D. An array
2 |
Which of the following character is used to mark the end of the string? |
3 |
Which of the following functions is used to write a string to a file? |
- A. puts()
- B. putc()
- C. fputs()
- D. fgets()
4 |
A file is stored in? |
- A. RAM
- B. Hard Disk
- C. ROM
- D. Catche
5 |
which of the following functions is used to write character to a file? |
- A. putc()
- B. putch()
- C. fputs()
- D. fgets()
6 |
If fptr=fopen(*Data.txt","r") statement is used to open a file then what would be the necessary condition? |
- A. The file must already exist
- B. The file should be data file only
- C. The file must contain valid student data
- D. The type of file must be read only
7 |
Which of the following are file handing functions? |
- A. fpriintf()
- B. fscanf()
- C. Both a and b
- D. make()
8 |
Which mode opens only an existing file for both reading and writing? |
- A. "w"
- B. "w+"
- C. "r+"
- D. "a+"
9 |
Which of the following function is used to copy a string to an array of characters? |
- A. strcpy
- B. strpcy
- C. strycp
- D. copy
10 |
Which of the following functions is used to read character from a file? |
- A. getc()
- B. putc()
- C. fputs()
- D. fgets()