1 |
Pressing the Ins key will |
- A. Insert a character into the document
- B. Toggle between undo and redo
- C. Toggle between insertion and overtype mode
- D. To insert image in document
2 |
A feature commonly available with word processor is |
- A. Spell cheaker
- B. Automatic footnoting
- C. Multicolumn tables
- D. All
3 |
The term that defines the size and style of a type face is; |
- A. Point
- B. Size
- C. Font
- D. Character
4 |
Deleting a character to the right of the cursor is accomplished by pressing the |
- A. Dell Key
- B. Back space key
- C. End Key
- D. Ctrl+del keys
5 |
The popular world processor is: |
- A. MS-word
- B. Wordpad
- C. Notepad
- D. None
6 |
By default, windows save the documents created in MS-Word in the folder. |
- A. Recycle bin
- B. My computer
- C. My document
- D. Windows explorer
7 |
A tool that allows you to generate form letters is called |
- A. Mail merge
- B. Grammar ready
- C. Mail ready
- D. Letter writer
8 |
The distance between each line of paragraph and margins is called. |
- A. Indents
- B. Paragraph spacing
- C. Line spacing
- D. Alignment
9 |
The shape of the insertion point symbol is |
- A. Arrow
- B. Vertical line
- C. Horizontal line
- D. Large circle
10 |
Which function key is used for checking spelling and grammer in word. |