1 |
Running Finance is also known as. |
- A. Saving Account
- B. Current Account
- C. Overdraft
- D. Fixed Account
2 |
In Islamic banking overdraft means. |
- A. Debit balance
- B. Running finance
- C. Favorable balnce
- D. Nil Balance
3 |
Account Suitable for businessmen |
- A. Saving account
- B. Fixed Account
- C. PLS account
- D. Current Account
4 |
Account example from Zakat and Tax |
- A. B.B.A. Account
- B. Current account
- C. Foreign Currency Account
- D. None of these
5 |
Which of the following Account willbe non -remuneratation account. |
- A. Current account
- B. Saving Account
- C. Fixed Deposit account
- D. B.B.A. Account
6 |
What is the example of Scheduled bank |
- A. Habib bank Ltd.
- B. Allied bank Ltd. in Pakistan
- C. Both a and b
- D. None of these
7 |
What percentage of total assets a scheduled bank is bound to keep within the country |
- A. 60%
- B. 70%
- C. 80%
- D. 90%
8 |
No minimum balance limit requried in. |
- A. Current Account
- B. Saving Account
- C. Foreign Account
- D. B.B.A Account
9 |
Which of the following banks cannot open its new branch without the permission of central bank |
- A. Non-scheduled bank
- B. Scheduled bank
- C. Chartered bank
- D. All of the above
10 |
Amount with drawn from Bank without using cheque. |
- A. ID Card
- B. VISA card
- C. ATM and Debit Card
- D. Credit Card