1 |
Ribs Bank of Sweden became central bank in: |
- A. 1568
- B. 1668
- C. 1768
- D. None of the above
2 |
The Bank are called Scheduled Bank which are registered with the. |
- A. Central Bank
- B. world Bank
- C. Bank of England
- D. All the above
3 |
In the Presence of Clearing House Scheduled Banks keeps. |
- A. Less Cash Reserve
- B. More Cash Reserve
- C. No cash reserve
- D. Fixed cash reserved
4 |
When was the first central bank of sub-continent established: |
- A. 1635
- B. 1732
- C. 1835
- D. 1935
5 |
Scheduled Banks are registred under state bank act. |
- A. 1956
- B. 1984
- C. 1962
- D. 1932
6 |
Central Bank provide the facility to Scheduled Banks. |
- A. Rediscounting Bills
- B. Clearing House
- C. Transfer of Money
- D. All the above
7 |
Central bank bank supervises one of the following systems of a country: |
- A. Provincial
- B. Political
- C. Economical and financial
- D. None of the above
8 |
Which bank is called the mother or central banks |
- A. Reserve bank of India
- B. Bank of England
- C. State Bank of Pakistan
- D. Bank of Venice
9 |
Non -Scheduled bank menas a bank which is not registred with. |
- A. Stock Exchange
- B. World Bank
- C. Central Bank
- D. Scheduled bank
10 |
The institution responsible for the contraction and expansion of money in the best interest of general public is called: |
- A. Commercial bank
- B. Clearing house
- C. Central bank
- D. Chamber of commerce