1 |
When did Iron & steel industry began in Austraila? |
- A. 1850
- B. 1890
- C. 1902
- D. 1950
2 |
In Iron & steel Industry, U.S.A ranked first |
- A. From 1900-1969
- B. 1900-1950
- C. 1900-2000
- D. Still ranked first
3 |
U.S.A's largest Iron & steel center is located at: |
- A. Pittsburg
- B. Tolado
- C. Indiana
- D. Adirondacks
4 |
In 1980, which country became first in Iron & steel production: |
- A. China
- B. India
- C. Japan
- D. Russia
5 |
In 1874, Japan's first Iron and steel mill was installed: |
- A. In Kita-Kyushu
- B. In Kamashee
- C. In Muroran
- D. In Osaka
6 |
According to Alfred Weber's theory, most suitable place for Iron & steel industry is: |
- A. Where coal is easily availabe
- B. Where Pig Iron is easily available
- C. Where limestone is easily available
- D. Where coal & calcium carbonate is available
7 |
Brazil's Iron ore deposits are located at: |
- A. Santa Catarnia
- B. Minas-Geraes
- C. Sao-Paulo
- D. Curumba
8 |
In Manchurian Region, China's oldest Iron & steel manufacturing centre is: |
- A. Anshan
- B. Mukden
- C. Wuhan
- D. Chunpking
9 |
Before 1350 A.D, Iron & Steel work was done: |
- A. By electric furnaces
- B. By atomic furnaces
- C. By rock coal furnaces
- D. By wood coal furnaces
10 |
During refinement the temperature of Open-Hearth furnace can be: |
- A. Increase up to 1000 C°
- B. Increased up to 2000 C°
- C. Increased up to 1650 C°
- D. Increased up to 500 C°