1 |
The last reveled book is. |
- A. Injil
- B. Qura'n
- C. Torah
- D. Zubur
2 |
Nothing is the Holy Qur'an is. |
- A. Clear
- B. Meaningful
- C. true
- D. doutful
3 |
Basic types of Tauheed are.<br> |
4 |
Literal meaning of Prophethood is. |
- A. To survey
- B. To bring
- C. To call
- D. To convery a message
5 |
The first doctrine of fath in Islam is. |
- A. Prophethood
- B. Namaz
- C. Shirk
- D. Tauheed
6 |
The name of death angel is. |
- A. Gebrail
- B. Michael
- C. Israfil
- D. Izrael
7 |
The name of the first Prophet of Allah is. |
- A. Ibraham
- B. Yousuf
- C. Adam
- D. Moses
8 |
Literal meaning of the word is. |
- A. Nearby
- B. Far off
- C. Loan
- D. Wealth
9 |
All drivine reliions are based upon. |
- A. Tauheed
- B. Shirk
- C. Prophethood
- D. Aakirat
10 |
Famous revealed books are. |