1 |
Discount is: |
- A. Difference
- B. Sum
- C. Product
- D. Quotient
2 |
A square matrix A is said to be singular if. |
- A. |A| = 0<br>
- B. |A| ≠ 0
- C. |A| = 1
- D. |A| ≠ 1
3 |
The two expressions on the both sides of the equality sign is called. |
- A. Sides of equation
- B. L.H.S
- C. R.H.S
- D. Equation
4 |
Depreciation is loss in value of: |
- A. Fixed asset
- B. Current asset
- C. Money
- D. None of these
5 |
Decimal form of 3.75 % |
- A. 375
- B. 37.5
- C. 0.0375
- D. 0.375
6 |
Number of terms in a proportion are |
7 |
According to text (C-S)>0 is: |
- A. Loss
- B. Profit
- C. Mark-up
- D. Mark-down
8 |
Quantity discount is always in: |
- A. Amount
- B. Percentage
- C. Quantity
- D. Rupees
9 |
Profit on an item of cost Rs.1000 C4.5% is: |
- A. Rs.45
- B. Rs.955
- C. Rs.50
- D. None of these
10 |
In order to find profit % we use |