1 |
Inevitably,working for money is an important reason for the boys apparent failure |
- A. Expected
- B. Seeming
- C. Real
- D. Definite
2 |
He could not part ............. his belongings. |
- A. From
- B. of
- C. by
- D. with
3 |
I see boys by the dozen take jobs lasting from six o'clock in the evening till two in the morning, _________ days in week |
- A. four
- B. five
- C. six
- D. seven
4 |
Many boys attempt ______ to make good |
- A. Uselessly
- B. Baselessly
- C. Non seriously
- D. Seriously
5 |
Suchnervoushabits are not easy to <u>uproot</u>: |
- A. Suspend
- B. Halt
- C. End(give up)
- D. stop
6 |
The <u>immense</u> number of failures can be avoided: |
- A. surprising
- B. unexpected
- C. rising
- D. great
7 |
Nervous habits are not easy to <u>uproot</u>. |
- A. Get rid of
- B. Nuture
- C. Appreciated
- D. rejected
8 |
The boys who fail to get through, there are ______ main classes |
- A. Two
- B. Three
- C. Four
- D. Five
9 |
The boy him self can <u>eradicate</u> his nervous habits. |
- A. Continue
- B. Look into
- C. Break
- D. eliminate
10 |
To see boys undergoing ....................... of blood to get money for their food and books, is a heartrending spectacle. |
- A. Transmigration
- B. Transfusion
- C. Transition
- D. Transfix