1 |
Out of the elements of group VA, the highest energy is possessed by |
2 |
P2O5 is usually used as |
- A. Drying agent only
- B. Reducing agent
- C. Both drying and reducing agent
- D. Both drying agent and oxidizing agent.
3 |
Out of all the elements of group VA, the highest ionization energy is possessed by |
4 |
Most likely product formed when formic acid is dehydrated in the presence of conc. H2SO4 is. |
- A. CO2 and H2O
- B. CO, CO2 and H2O
- C. CO2 and H2
- D. CO and H2O
5 |
In aqua regia, the ratio of conc. HCl to Conc. HNO3 is |
- A. 1 : 1
- B. 2 :1
- C. 1:2
- D. 3 : 1
6 |
Which of the following gives acidic oxide |
7 |
In which substance phosphorus is not present. |
- A. Yolk of egg
- B. Bones
- C. Apatite
- D. Galena
8 |
The reaction between Cu and conc. H2SO4 produces |
- A. SO3
- B. SO2
- C. H2
- D. Cu + ions
9 |
Out of all the elements of Group V-A the highest ionization energy is possessed by |
10 |
Bone ash contain calcium phosphate |
- A. 40%
- B. 50%
- C. 70%
- D. 80%