1 |
_____ is more important regulator of breathing process. |
- A. Oxygen
- B. Carbon di oxide
- C. Myoglobin
- D. Hemoglobin
2 |
During photorespiration, glycolate diffuses in to the membrane bounded organelle named as |
- A. Mitochondria
- B. Ribosome
- C. Peroxisome
- D. Golgi bodies
3 |
How much air lungs can hold when they are futy inflated. |
- A. 5 liters
- B. 4.5 liters
- C. 4 liters
- D. 3.5 liters
4 |
During breathing no stale of air remains in the lungs of. |
- A. Mammals
- B. Amphibian
- C. Birds
- D. Sarracenia
5 |
Spiracles are found in |
- A. Fish
- B. Cockroach
- C. Leech
- D. Earth worm
6 |
Number of spiracles in cockroach is |
- A. 20 pairs
- B. 10 pairs
- C. 06 pairs
- D. 08 pairs
7 |
Emphesema is breakdown of |
- A. Muscles
- B. Capillaries
- C. Alveoli
- D. None of these
8 |
A liter of H2O contains ml of oxygen. |
9 |
Pleura is double layered thin membrane that covers. |
- A. Heart
- B. Liver
- C. Lungs
- D. Kidneys
10 |
Respiratory organs in fish are |
- A. Lungs
- B. Gills
- C. Skin
- D. Fins