1 |
The process of change: |
- A. Enables in individual to lead successful life
- B. Enables in individual to adjust in the society
- C. Enables in individual to develop his abilities
- D. All of the above
2 |
Employing the learning by insight approach, an individual can benefit himself from various solutions of problems and thereby: |
- A. Increases his capacities
- B. Increases his learning
- C. Determines his future line of action
- D. All of the above
3 |
The act of imitation: |
- A. Continuous throughout life
- B. Is concerned with observaiton
- C. Is concerned with repetition
- D. All of the above
4 |
Attention refers to: |
- A. Attend to an activity
- B. Respond to the signs coming from the outside
- C. Produce harmony between stimulus and response
- D. All of the above
5 |
Who put forward the theory of connectionism: |
- A. Pavlov
- B. Skinner
- C. Thorndike
- D. Watson
6 |
Which of the following is the first step of learning by trial & error: |
- A. Identification of the problem
- B. Realization of the solution problem
- C. Efforts for the solution of problem
- D. Remembering the solution of problem
7 |
Drinking water to extinguish thirst is: |
- A. A natural act
- B. An imitativeact
- C. An emotionalact
- D. A socialact
8 |
'Meaningful of an act for a child' means to what extent: |
- A. The particular learning can be beneficial for him
- B. The particular learning can be beneficial for him in future
- C. The particular learning can be socially beneficial for him
- D. All of the above
9 |
The natural changes are: |
- A. Temporary
- B. Permanent
- C. Neutral
- D. None of the above
10 |
The changes due to learning: |
- A. Do not leave any effect on individual's behavior
- B. Are not concerned with environment
- C. Enable an individual to perform his role
- D. Are concerned with heredity