1 |
To find HCF, we use following method: |
- A. By factorization
- B. By division
- C. Both a and b
- D. None
2 |
Simplify it: |
3 |
HCF of x-2 and x+x-6 is: |
- A. x<sup>2</sup>+x-6
- B. x+3
- C. x-2
- D. x+2
4 |
Simplify this: |
5 |
LCM of 15x<sup>2</sup> , 45xy and 30xy is: |
- A. 90xyz
- B. 90x<sup>2</sup>yz
- C. 15xyz
- D. 15x<sup>2</sup>yz
6 |
Simplify that: |
7 |
The square root of (img) is: |
8 |
What should be added to complete the square of x<sup>4</sup>+64 _______ : |
- A. 8x<sup>2</sup>
- B. -8x<sup>2</sup>
- C. 16x<sup>2</sup>
- D. 4x<sup>2</sup>
9 |
HCF of a<sup>2</sup>-b<sup>2</sup> and a<sup>3</sup>-b<sup>3</sup> is: |
- A. a-b
- B. a+b
- C. a<sup>2</sup>=ab+b<sup>2</sup>
- D. a<sup>2</sup>-ab+b<sup>2</sup>
10 |
The square root of (imge) is: |