1 |
Which langauge was the Holy Quraan was translatd First time into the local language of the entire Muslim world. |
- A. Punjabi
- B. Sindhi
- C. Balochi
- D. Pashto
2 |
The most standardized account of Kashmiri language is. |
- A. Gami
- B. Hindi
- C. Gandoro
- D. Musalmanki
3 |
The baluchistan writers Association was formed. |
- A. 1948
- B. 1944
- C. 1950
- D. 1951
4 |
Which province Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai belongs to. |
- A. Punjab
- B. Sindh
- C. KPK
- D. Baluchistan
5 |
Vicholi is the accent of language. |
- A. Pashto
- B. Punjabi
- C. Balochi
- D. Sindhi
6 |
Pakistan is a country. |
- A. Highly Literated
- B. Sparsly Populated
- C. Densely Populated
- D. Average Populated
7 |
Education from class 9 to 10 in Pakistanis known as. |
- A. Primary
- B. Secondary
- C. Middle
- D. Higher Secondary
8 |
Education from class 11 to 12 in Pakistan is known as. |
- A. Primary
- B. Middle
- C. Secondary
- D. Higher Secondary
9 |
According to world Atlas, 2018, international tourist came to Turkey in one year. |
- A. 48 million
- B. 46 million
- C. 83 million
- D. 62 millon
10 |
According to world Atls, 2018 was teh biggest torist destination. |
- A. Italy
- B. America
- C. France
- D. Turkey