1 |
Which is included in Faraiz-e-Wazu. |
- A. To wash the mouth
- B. Wipe the head with wet hand
- C. To wash the feet
- D. All of these
2 |
It is the tradition of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) to perform ____________ before wearing pilgrim robe (Ahram) for the Performance of Hajj or Umrah. |
- A. Wuzu
- B. Prayer
- C. Ghusl
- D. All of these
3 |
After marriage Zaujain become safe from: |
- A. Moral attacks
- B. Zina
- C. Immoral attacks
- D. Bad habits
4 |
A husband should treat his wife: |
- A. Kindly
- B. Clamly
- C. Lovely
- D. Harshly
5 |
Ghusel on the days of Eids is. |
- A. Sunnah
- B. Mustahib
- C. Wajib
- D. Ferz
6 |
Thus in a way the family is an _______ part of society: |
- A. Sensitive
- B. Successful
- C. Essential
- D. Meaningful
7 |
The literal meaning of Patience is. |
- A. To stop
- B. To support
- C. To endure
- D. All of these
8 |
Taharat is a word of which language. |
- A. Urdu
- B. Persian
- C. Punjabi
- D. Arabic
9 |
Wuzu is obligatory before offering: |
- A. Prayer
- B. Hujj
- C. Fast
- D. None of these
10 |
The human civilization also started with the: |
- A. Group
- B. Family
- C. Marriage
- D. None of these