1 |
HSSC mean: |
- A. Metric
- B. F.A
- C. B.A
- D. M.A
2 |
Education is ________: |
- A. Costly
- B. Free
- C. High
- D. Private
3 |
The sole axis of the universe is: |
- A. Man
- B. Animals
- C. Birds
- D. Books
4 |
Education in regular institution is _________: |
- A. Formal
- B. Informal
- C. Non-formal
- D. None
5 |
Elementary eduction is the _________ stage of education: |
- A. 1st
- B. 2nd
- C. 3rd
- D. 4th
6 |
Every object in this world is<b>:</b> |
- A. Tasteless
- B. Colourless
- C. Flawless
- D. Green
7 |
In 1947, Mr. Fazlur Rehman was the Federal Minister for: |
- A. Defence
- B. Industry
- C. Education
- D. None
8 |
Education includes _________ ideology: |
- A. Islamic
- B. Foreign
- C. Modern
- D. None
9 |
Education university is a __________ institute: |
- A. Medical
- B. Engineering
- C. IT
- D. Teacher Training
10 |
King Edward is a ________ college: |
- A. Medical
- B. General
- C. Legal
- D. Computer