1 |
He is that person who temporarily resides in another country: |
- A. National
- B. Alien
- C. Citizen
- D. Individual
2 |
Who Presents the annual budget ? |
- A. Finance Minister
- B. Prime Minister
- C. President
- D. Speaker
3 |
Name the thinker who considers conscientiousness an important quality of a good citizen ? |
- A. Lasky
- B. Lord Bryce
- C. Aristotle
- D. Plato
4 |
Who said this, "A form of government in which a large number of population has right to share sovereign authority." |
- A. Plato
- B. Herdodotus
- C. Gattle
- D. Garner
5 |
In this type of family, man enjoys pivotal position and importance: |
- A. Patriarchal family
- B. Matriarchal family
- C. Joint family
- D. <div>Conjugal family</div><div><br></div>
6 |
"Society is a system of social relationships in which an individual passes his life", Who said this? |
- A. John E. Suber
- B. Mac Iver
- C. Plato
- D. Aristotle
7 |
"Citizen is that person who participates in the political functions of a state." |
- A. Aristotle
- B. Plate
- C. Garner
- D. Seeley
8 |
What is the greatest obstacle in the path of good citizenship ? |
- A. Poverty
- B. Ignorance
- C. Wisdom
- D. Dishonesty
9 |
It is the collection of tales and events of the past: |
- A. History
- B. Sociology
- C. Psychology
- D. Civics
10 |
Which country is the largest one population wise in the world ? |
- A. India
- B. Pakistan
- C. China
- D. USA