1 |
They are helpful in transport of gases in the blood |
- A. White cells
- B. Red cells
- C. Plateless
- D. Plasma
2 |
Genetic information is transerred by. |
- A. Nucleus
- B. Chromosomes
- C. Genes
- D. Gametes
3 |
The process of absorption of food particles in the body is called |
- A. Digestion & nbsp
- B. Photosynthesis & nbsp
- C. Respiration & nbsp
- D. Assimilation & nbsp
4 |
Blood clotting protein in plasma is called |
- A. Fibrinogen & nbsp
- B. Substrate & nbsp
- C. peps gene & nbsp
- D. Hemoglobin & nbsp
5 |
Chemical reaction taking place in animal and plant cells are collectively called |
- A. Catabolism
- B. Anabolism
- C. Metabolism
- D. Non of these
6 |
The substances on whihc enzymes attached are called. |
- A. coenzyme
- B. Substrate
- C. Catalyst
- D. None
7 |
Protein is digested is |
- A. large intestine 
- B. small intestine
- C. stomach & nbsp
- D. Mouth & nbsp
8 |
Human genome consist of......... billion DNA letters or base pairs. |
- A. 4.2
- B. 3.9
- C. 3.2
- D. 2.2
9 |
Genetic information is transferred by |
- A. Nucleus
- B. Chromosomes
- C. Genes
- D. Gametes
10 |
Individual known as universal donor have blood group |
- A. A group
- B. O group
- C. A.B group
- D. B group