1 |
Coke is formed in the absence of.......... |
- A. Carbon
- B. Oxygen
- C. Air
- D. Hydrogen
2 |
Bucky Ball is teh third form of pure. |
- A. Carbon
- B. Graphite
- C. Magnesium
- D. Diamond
3 |
The percentage of Neon by volume is. |
- A. 0.002
- B. 0.9
- C. 0.02
- D. 0.00055
4 |
The compounds consisting of Amino acids are called |
- A. carbohydrate
- B. Fast
- C. Proteins
- D. organic compounds
5 |
What type of liquid has abnormal freezing and boiling point. |
- A. Water
- B. Juice
- C. Petrol
- D. Diesel
6 |
Which Gas is essential for proteins. |
- A. Sulphur
- B. Hydrogen
- C. Nitrogen
- D. Oxygen
7 |
The deficiency of iodine in human body casue. |
- A. Goiter
- B. Cancer
- C. Tuberculosis
- D. Cholera
8 |
The most common element in the universe is |
- A. oxygen
- B. hydrogen
- C. nitrogen
- D. iron
9 |
Iodine .......... 131 is used in treat the........................ |
- A. Cancer
- B. Bone growth
- C. Thyroid
- D. Brain tumor
10 |
The process by which green plants manufacture their food is |
- A. respiration
- B. photosynthesis
- C. oxidation
- D. nitrogen fixation