1 |
spelling correct. |
- A. Amotion
- B. Imotion
- C. Emotion
- D. Omotion
2 |
Correct speling |
- A. discourse
- B. discoarsee
- C. Discoerce
- D. discorse
3 |
Choose the correct option according to grammer and fill the sheet.<div>Ashfaq Ahmad was a<u><b>famous</b></u>writer.</div> |
- A. Anxious
- B. Well known
- C. Fluent
- D. Pride
4 |
<u><b>The peiod of waiting </b></u>had come to a close. |
- A. Verb
- B. Adverb
- C. Noun phrase
- D. Adjective
5 |
Choose the correct option according to grammer<div>she is a<u><b> lazy </b></u>girl.</div> |
- A. Noun
- B. Adjective
- C. verb
- D. Pronoun
6 |
Choose the correct meaning in the word underlined.<div><u><b>Proclaim </b></u>means.</div> |
- A. Request
- B. Respense
- C. Declare
- D. Forbid
7 |
Choose the word with correct spellings. |
- A. Dunes
- B. dunis
- C. dones
8 |
choose the world with correct spelling. |
- A. Salitude
- B. Solichewed
- C. Solitude
- D. soletude
9 |
Choose the correct option according to grammer.<div>My mother becomes................ If I get home late.</div> |
- A. Anxiety
- B. Anxious
- C. Anxieties
- D. Anxiously
10 |
Correct speling |
- A. Promalgation
- B. Promulgation
- C. Promulgation
- D. Promelgetion