1 |
The concept of orbit was used by:<br> |
- A. J.J Thomson<br>
- B. Rutherford<br>
- C. Bohr <br>
- D. Planck <br>
2 |
In 9th century scientist accepted by: |
- A. Dalton
- B. Bohars
- C. Rutherford
- D. Nil
3 |
In a discharge tube, the pressure of a gas is kept at |
- A. 10-2 atm
- B. 10-4 atm
- C. 10-6 atm
- D. 10-8 atm
4 |
Neuron was discovered by |
- A. Sir Willium Crooks
- B. Goldstein
- C. James Chadwik
- D. Neil Bohr
5 |
Atoms of elements combine chemically to form:<br> |
- A. Mixtures<br>
- B. compounds<br>
- C. solutions <br>
- D. ions<br>
6 |
Which of the following can accommodate 18 electrons? |
7 |
___________ is used in treatment of cancer. |
- A. Cobalt-60
- B. C-12
- C. H-3
- D. Nil
8 |
The maximum no.of electrons that can be accommodated in M shell are |
9 |
Half life of C-14 ________________ years. |
- A. 5800
- B. 5700
- C. 5600
- D. 5500
10 |
The boiling point of H2O is: |
- A. 100
- B. 12
- C. 1.105
- D. 9