1 |
We can use...... in offiline mode only. |
- A. Google Sheets
- B. Excel
- C. Both
- D. None of these
2 |
Google Sheets application is linked with...... account. |
- A. Yahoo
- C. Google
- D. All of these
3 |
You can also select the entire spreadsheet by pressing......... for Windows. |
- A. Ctrl+A
- B. Ctrl +B
- C. Ctrl + C
- D. Ctrl + D
4 |
Every action performed in Google sheets may done in .............. only. |
- A. Passive cell
- B. Active Cell
- C. Name Box
- D. Cell range
5 |
-------------- is defined by the combination of column Header and Row Header. |
- A. Cell reference
- B. Name Box
- C. Work book
- D. Sheet
6 |
Formulas alwasy start with the............. typed in the cell, followed by your calculation. |
- A. Equal sign
- B. Parenthesis
- C. Dollar Sign
- D. Hashtag
7 |
Google Sheets was created using....... language. |
- A. C++
- B. PHP
- C. Visual Basic
- D. Java Script
8 |
---------------- makes you work with selections of cells. |
- A. Sheet
- B. Range
- C. Name Box
- D. None of these
9 |
Each spreadsheet in google Sheets is composed of one or more. |
- A. Documents
- B. Sheets
- C. Formula
- D. Work books
10 |
Each column in a sheet is identified by a letter starting with the letter. |