1 |
Allama Iqbal R.A delivered Allahabad , Address in. |
- A. 1930
- B. 1934
- C. 1932
- D. 1936
2 |
Which act declaed India as federation? |
- A. Act of 1933
- B. Act of 1934
- C. Act of 1935
- D. Act of 1936
3 |
Who opposed communal awrd. |
- A. Muslims
- B. Common people
- C. Europeans
- D. Sikhs and Hindus
4 |
Delhi Proposals were presented in. |
- A. 1926
- B. 1927
- C. 1928
- D. 1929
5 |
The first round table conference was held officially by Lord Irwin at. |
- A. Delhi
- B. London
- C. Karachi
- D. Bombay
6 |
Quaid-e-Azam (R.A) presented Fourteen point in. |
- A. 1930
- B. 1929
- C. 1932
- D. 1933
7 |
NWFP got the status of a Province in. |
- A. 1900
- B. 1901
- C. 1902
- D. 1903
8 |
In Allahbad address Allama Muhammad Iqbal R.A explained. |
- A. The two nation theory
- B. Islamic teaching
- C. Muslim's Culture
- D. Islamic Civilization
9 |
In Act of 1935 , there was a federal court, comprising of one chief justice and |
- A. Two judges
- B. Three judges
- C. Four Judges
- D. Six Judges
10 |
Pakistan Resolution was passed in. |
- A. 1930
- B. 1935
- C. 1940
- D. 1945