1 |
It is the warmest decade ever reorded, with rising globla average teperature. |
- A. 1980-1990
- B. 1990-2000
- C. 2000-2010
- D. 2011-2020
2 |
The OECD was founded in. |
- A. 1971
- B. 1961
- C. 1959
- D. 1979
3 |
Panama Canal links Pacific ocean with the |
- A. Indian ocean
- B. Atlantic ocean
- C. Aretic ocean
- D. Antarctic ocean
4 |
The malfunction of air conditioners cause to escape into the atmosphere. |
- A. Nitrogen
- B. Sulphur
- C. Carbon di oxide
- D. Chlorofluorocarbons
5 |
It is a national income divided by ppulation size. |
- A. Pre capita income
- B. Daily income
- C. Monthly income
- D. Yearly income
6 |
In Karachi the day temperaute in winter season in about. |
- A. 10 oC
- B. 26 oC
- C. 36 oC
- D. 62 oC
7 |
It is the production of cloth from yarn. |
- A. Ginning
- B. haresting
- C. Weaving
- D. Spinning
8 |
Karakoram highway was established by the mutual economic and technical support of Pakistan and |
- A. Middle East
- B. China
- C. UK
- D. USA
9 |
Light has a direct alerting effect and can affect. |
- A. Learning
- B. Productivity
- C. Memory consolidation
- D. All of these
10 |
It is a powerful green house gas whihc is contributing in cliamate change released by the use of both commercial and organic fertilizers. |
- A. Oxygen
- B. Carbon monoxide
- C. Nitrogen oxide
- D. Sulphur dioxide