1 |
In right angled triangle one angel is 90<sup>o</sup> and the other angles are |
- A. Complemenatry
- B. Supplemenatary
- C. Obtuse
- D. Corresponding
2 |
The lowest form of 21000:42000 |
3 |
--------------------is paid on agrieultural yield |
- A. Zakat
- B. Ushr
- C. Commision
- D. None
4 |
What number was subtracted to make the sequence 58,56,54,52? |
5 |
(87)<sup>2</sup>= |
- A. 7369
- B. 7569
- C. 7669
- D. 7469
6 |
15 km 200 m |
- A. 150000
- B. 15100
- C. 15200
- D. 15300
7 |
Square root of 81 is |
8 |
In III-quadrant th signs are used. |
- A. (+,+)
- B. (+,-)
- C. (-,-)
- D. (-,+)
9 |
L.C.M.of 72,48,is |
- A. 121
- B. 144
- C. 12
- D. 169
10 |
In which quadrillatera, the oppsoite angles are equal. |
- A. Rectangle
- B. Trapezium
- C. Saquare
- D. Rohombus