1 |
How many atoms are present in one molecule of helium. |
2 |
Which of the following gas is used by plants for making food. |
- A. Hydrogen
- B. Oxygen
- C. Nitrogen
- D. Carbon dioxide
3 |
Which one of the following is metallic element. |
- A. Hydrogen
- B. Helium
- C. Lithium
- D. Carbon
4 |
Matter exist in |
- A. Solid
- B. Liquid
- C. gas
- D. All of these
5 |
C6H12O6is he formula of glucose. How many oxygen are there in one molecule of glucose. |
6 |
How many hydrgen atos are present in 1 molecule of ammonia. |
7 |
The subatomic particles of an atom are. |
- A. Proton
- B. Electron
- C. Neutron
- D. All of these
8 |
Number of the neutrons in helium element. |
9 |
Water, carbon dioxide, ammonia and methane are examples of. |
- A. Atoms
- B. Elements
- C. Compounds
- D. Mixture
10 |
Choose an atom which can-exist idenpendently at room temperature. |