1 |
The cell parts of plants that trap energy from sun are called. |
- A. Cytoplasm
- B. Mitohondria
- C. Chloroplast
- D. Endoplasmic reticulum
2 |
Which bloodiseases causing germs. |
- A. Red blood
- B. Platelete
- C. White blodd cell
- D. All of these
3 |
Chromosomes are present in |
- A. Chloroplast
- B. Nucleus
- C. Cell wall
- D. Vascuole
4 |
The object to be seen with a microscope is placed on a. |
- A. Adjustment screw
- B. Eye piece
- C. Table
- D. Glass side
5 |
Outermost coverting of a plant cell is called. |
- A. Cell memberane
- B. Cell wall
- C. Cytoplasm
- D. Chloroplast
6 |
Cell membra ne is composed of. |
- A. Cellulose and lipids
- B. Proeteins and lipids
- C. Cellulose and proteins.
- D. Lipids
7 |
The Jelly like material present indise the cell membrane is called. |
- A. Endoplasmic reticulum
- B. Chloroplast
- C. cell wall
- D. Cytoplasm
8 |
Mitochondria are teh cell organelles that play role in |
- A. Protein synthesis
- B. Food production
- C. Producing energy from food
- D. Removig waste produce
9 |
Outermost covering of an animal cell is called. |
- A. Cell memberane
- B. Cell wall
- C. Cytoplasm
- D. Chloroplast
10 |
Digestive system consist of. |
- A. Stomach
- B. Liver
- C. Intestine
- D. All of these