1 |
The outer layer is root, leaves and stem is called. |
- A. Epidermis
- B. Vascular tissue
- C. Mrsophyll Tissue
- D. Epithelial tissue
2 |
The Jelly like material present indise the cell membrane is called. |
- A. Endoplasmic reticulum
- B. Chloroplast
- C. cell wall
- D. Cytoplasm
3 |
Outermost covering of an animal cell is called. |
- A. Cell memberane
- B. Cell wall
- C. Cytoplasm
- D. Chloroplast
4 |
Stomach is part of. |
- A. Circulatory system
- B. Breathing system
- C. Excretory system
- D. Digestive system
5 |
Chromosomes are present in |
- A. Chloroplast
- B. Nucleus
- C. Cell wall
- D. Vascuole
6 |
Kidneyspferorm functions related. |
- A. Digestive system
- B. breathing system
- C. Circulatory system
- D. Excretory system
7 |
Oxygen is arriedfrom lungs and supplied to the whole body by |
- A. White blood cells
- B. Red blood cells
- C. Platelets
- D. Bone cells
8 |
The cell parts which play an important role in animal cell division are called. |
- A. Vacuoles
- B. Centrioles
- C. Cytoplasm
- D. Mitochondria.
9 |
The thin membrane which surronds the nucleus is called. |
- A. Cell wall
- B. Cell membrane
- C. Nucleus membrane
- D. Nucleus wall
10 |
The glass slide is placed on. |
- A. The tbe of a microsope
- B. The eye place of a microscope.
- C. The stage of a microscope
- D. The table