1 |
Two or more thantwo fractions whose numerators and denominators are different but they have same values are called. |
- A. Proper fractions
- B. Improper fractions
- C. Equivalent fractions
- D. Unequivalent fraction
2 |
Multipling 7 by 3/4 means. |
- A. In find 1/4 of 7
- B. to find 7/4of 3
- C. to find 3/4 of 7
- D. to find 4/7 of 3
3 |
Is...... the order of the ractions does not effect the product. |
- A. Subtration
- B. Division
- C. Multiplication
- D. Division and multiplication
4 |
3/5 x 20/6 |
- A. 3/5
- B. 2
- C. 2/5
- D. 20/5
5 |
Whch of the following is improper fraction. |
- A. 7/10
- B. 18/5
- C. 100/111
- D. 1/3
6 |
4/5+1/5 |
- A. 4/5
- B. 1/5
- C. 4
- D. 4/25
7 |
6/11 - 2/22 |
- A. 4/22
- B. 10/22
- C. 8/22
- D. 4/11
8 |
7/12 x 3 = |
- A. 10/12
- B. 7/36
- C. 21/4
- D. 7/4
9 |
4/8 + 1/8 |
- A. 4/8
- B. 5/8
- C. 1/8
- D. 3/8
10 |
Which of the following is proper fraction. |
- A. 14/5
- B. 7/2
- C. 15/9
- D. 20/21