1 |
The word "ample" means: |
- A. more than enough
- B. greater
- C. little
- D. as usual
2 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Acadimy
- B. Academy
- C. Acidamy
- D. Accademy
3 |
5.Choose the word with the correct spellings: |
- A. Pracedent
- B. Precadented
- C. Precendanted
- D. Precedent
4 |
choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Prodaction
- B. Production
- C. Prodoction
- D. Pruduction
5 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Axcel
- B. Excel
- C. Exael
- D. Ixcel
6 |
choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Insisant
- B. Encessant
- C. Encedant
- D. Incessant
7 |
"Myself" is. |
- A. Possessive pronoun
- B. Interrogative pronoun
- C. Relative pronoun
- D. Reflexive pronoun
8 |
9.Choose the word with the correct spellings: |
- A. prodaction
- B. Production
- C. Prodoction
- D. Pruduction
9 |
1.Choose the word with the correct spellings: |
- A. Efective
- B. Effective
- C. Effactive
- D. Affective
10 |
choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Intigrety
- B. Intritgey
- C. Integrity
- D. Inttegrity