1 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Feoe
- B. Feoae
- C. Foe
- D. Feoo
2 |
Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles:<div><u><b>He</b></u> did not take good care of his pet. The underlined word is a/an:</div> |
- A. Personal pronoun
- B. Relative pronoun
- C. Reflexive pronoun
- D. Indefinite pronoun
3 |
Choose the correct meaning of the underline word and fill up the bubble sheet:<div>He proclaimed: proclaimed means:</div> |
- A. decided
- B. announced
- C. delivered
- D. claimed
4 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Papole
- B. Peeple
- C. Poeple
- D. People
5 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill p the bubble sheet. |
- A. Folowe
- B. Follow
- C. Foloowe
- D. Folowa
6 |
Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:<div>"I am taking tea''.The underlined word is an/an:</div> |
- A. finite
- B. gerund
- C. present participle
- D. noun
7 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Interceed
- B. Intersede
- C. Entercede
- D. Intercede
8 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Almighti
- B. Almightty
- C. Almighty
- D. Allmighty
9 |
Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:<div>He was accused .........theft.</div> |
- A. with
- B. of
- C. by
- D. to
10 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Gudience
- B. Guidance
- C. Gudence
- D. Gidence