Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
24-Feb-25 Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, Karachi 3 Jobs 11-Mar View
17-Feb-25 Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, Karachi 14 Jobs 24-Feb View
10-Feb-25 Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, Karachi 321 Jobs 23-Feb View
04-Feb-25 Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, Karachi 3 Jobs 17-Feb View
27-Jan-25 Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, Karachi 4 Jobs 04-Feb View
24-Dec-24 Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, Karachi 2 Jobs 08-Jan View
09-Dec-24 Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, Karachi 17 Jobs 16-Dec View

Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited is one of the best shipyard and heavy engineering facilities of Pakistan and as well as Asia. This is one of those departments which are trying to contribute and increase technical development in Pakistan. Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited main mission are to make excellent ships and also repair them. They work hard to exploit the core competence of the world market and provide high-quality products to customer satisfaction to their needs. This department is serving industrial sectors by utilizing its whole potential and engineering expertise.

Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited:

The Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited is an only shipyard company in Pakistan. It is a major and renowned Military Corporation and defence Contractor Company of the country. It functions for ship repairing, ship building and engineering of heavy ships. Its production work include: Warships, Merchant Vessels, Barges, Tugboats, Dredgers, Floating Drydocks, Landing Crafts, Naval Vessels, Sub Marines and oil Tankers. It is the oldest shipyard company of Pakistan. Its head office is located at West Wharf in Karachi, Pakistan. Rear Admiral Syed Hasan Nasir Shah is the current managing head of the company. The production of mega projects like Agosta 90B and 17,000 Ton Fleet Tanker was conducted by the company with corporation of foreign military companies.

The production of Fast Attack Craft Missile, Maritime Patrol Vessels, 32 Tons Bollard Pull Tugs and Bridge Erection Boats are ongoing projects under Karachi Shipyard Company. The team of skillful and trained engineers of KSEWL has been working devotedly to produce updated technology for installation in national defence agencies. KSEWL engages new entrants of its teams into several job training and internship programmes .The interns are required to have qualification of Production / Design/HRD BE/BSC.Engg in Electrical, Electronics, Industrial, Mechanical, Sales & Marketing MBA (Finance) (Marketing) (HR) ,Legal Master / Graduate (Law). Our website will post any vacancy available in the team of KSEWL for interns, trainees, professional engineers or technicians.