The Islamia University of Bahawalpur has released the admission schedule of B.A/BSc 4th Year first annual examination on 14th December 2019. In order to get enrolled in the upcoming annual examination, all students are advised to follow the admission schedule. The annual examination session will start from Wednesday 1st April 2020. The B.A/BSc 4th year regular students can submit the receipt of admission forms with examination fee according to the following schedule which is given below.
Receiving Of Admission Form Without Late Fee
The B.A/BSc 4th year regular students of Islamia University Bahawalpur can submit the receipt of admission forms without late fee for their first annual examination till Monday 20th January 2020.
Receiving Of Admission Form With Late Fee
The B.A/BSc 4th year regular students of Islamia University Bahawalpur can submit the receipt of admission forms with a late fee for their first annual examination till Friday 31st January 2020.
Receiving Of Admission Form With Double Fee
The B.A/BSc 4th year regular students of Islamia University Bahawalpur can submit the receipt of admission forms with the double fee for their first annual examination till Monday 10th February 2020.
Receiving Of Admission Form With Triple Fee
The B.A/BSc 4th year regular students of Islamia University Bahawalpur can submit the receipt of admission forms with the triple fee for their first annual examination till Friday 20th March 2020.
Admission Fee Details
All B.A/BSc 4th year (regular students only) are informed to submit the examination admission fee as mentioned below.
B.A/BSc (Part -2) Without Practical
All B.A/BSc part-2 regular students are informed to submit PKR 3000/- without Practical as their admission fee.
B.A/BSc (Part -2) With Practical
All B.A/BSc part-2 regular students are informed to submit PKR 4000/- with Practical as their admission fee. However, in case of failed papers of 3rd year or repeated papers of 3rd year along with 14th-year papers are informed to submit PKR 4000/- as their admission fee.
B.A/BSc (Part -2) Late Fee
All B.A/BSc part-2 regular students are informed to submit PKR 2000/- as their late admission fee.
Submission Of Admission Forms
Each candidate must have to submit their printed admission forms along with the required documents including attested copy of registration card, F.A/FSc or equivalent pass card and CNIC.
Form Receiving Deadline
Applicants are informed that after Friday 20th March 2020 no admission forms will be entertained.

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