The Punjab Boards have announced 9th class result 2021 on 9th November at 10:00 am. Earlier the meeting of the Punjab Boards Committee of Chairpersons was held in which the schedule for the announcement of the result had been decided. The annual exam of the 9th class was conducted in the month of August and after the conduction of the exam, the authorities had started the compilation of the result so that the result can be announced on time. Now the candidates that are affiliated with the BISE Lahore, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Multan, BISE Faisalabad, BISE Rawalpindi, BISE DG Khan, BISE Sargodha, BISE Sahiwal, and BISE Bahawalpur can check the result.
9th Class Result 2021
The candidates that had appeared in the annual exam of 9th class can check the result to get to know about their marks obtained in the annual exam. To check the result the candidates have to enter the name and roll number after which they can access the result easily. Moreover, the candidates can also get the result by sending their roll number to the SMS code provided by the affiliated board.
SSC Part I Annual Exam 2021
This year the annual exam of the 9th class can be conducted according to the general schedule announced for the commencement of the exam. Due to the COVID-19, it has been announced to hold the exam of the elective subjects and mathematics only to evaluate the performance of the students. The result has been announced and on the basis of their performance, the candidates will be announced to the next class. Moreover, the board authorities have also provided the schedule for the conduction of the SSC special exam 2021. The candidates who intend to appear in the SSC second annual exam 2021 have to follow the instructions provided by the respective officials.