Learning begins at home; How can we form a great society
Not a rare act in the current era; but everyone is ready to curse the society. We are fed up of our society; want to blame it for everything; everyone has the same opinion that this society is not worth living and it is worse than ever. But apart from all of our cries, did we ever think what do we mean by a society? Let’s define it first what is the meaning of this term.
Society is referred as a group of people; living in a specific locality, following certain norms and traditions. The definition itself raises some questions; are we eligible to complain regarding our society? Do we have all the rights to do so? Nobody has ever thought about it, although, this is the fundamental question for this discussion.
Considering the major definition, the first part says that it is the group of people. The very first concept tells us that we are also a part of society; means we are included in the units which form the entire society. When we make a wall, we know that a single wrong brick can ruin the entire wall. Then how can we exclude ourselves from the ills of the society. Being a unit of the wall, we are equally responsible for every right or wrong. This demands up that if we take responsibility, we have the responsibility to find out and learn how can we bring some change.
I will quote something here which may lead to some way out. A wise father who wanted to train his 18 years old boy in a positive manner, decided to take him along on a flood relief camp. The boy was also undergoing the similar thoughts on society; and was not pretty convinced on his father’s idea. He only spent a week on the place and saw how painful life those people were living, but they were together to ease each other. He realized that society is nothing but a piece of art like we shape it ourselves. This event changed his life, and on returning home with his father, he went back with some help goods on his own will. His philosophy of society was totally changed and he had learnt that if we do not have guts to play our role, we have no right to blame the society.
Everyone can contribute towards change; if everyone starts helping, no issue can ever remain in the society. This would be the best learning if we start from our own home, because home is also a part of society. In other words, we can also say, that a person is a member of a household which is a bigger unit of the society. We can change ourselves, to change a home, and ultimately the entire society.
Positivity is the key to all solutions; in fact, if we stay positive, we tend to find ways and accept realities. We must understand the concept of duty and rights; whatever is our right must be the duty of someone to us, and the others might have some expectations from us which may be the liabilities on our part. Start from home and fulfil your duties, only then you will be able to know how others should fulfil their responsibilities. It means that by learning about your own your obligation, you will be able to teach others how we can form a society. Start this learning from your home, by first learning ourselves and then by find the ways for other’s learning. Form a complete society within yourself; you will feel that you don’t need to blame the society anymore.
Tehseen Nizami
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