Interests and hobbies change with time, if you liked something few years ago may be now you don't like that. Human beings always change themselves according to the environment, circumstances and the information and knowledge. It is very natural that if you have selected the journalism as your career and started to study but after completing graduation in journalism you want to change your field. There may be lots of reasons of your quitting your chosen course of study. May now you have discovered that your real talent is not in journalism and you can't be a good journalist due to different circumstances, may now your interests have been changed or you have developed your skills in novel writing so last selected profession is not more effected for your further studies.
After graduation you should do some thing to again plan your further studies. First of all you should consider your last plan for graduation and find out answer of these questions.
- Are you still consistent at the previous plan?
- Have you attained the required skills and expertise for the profession?
- Do you really think that you can carry on this study course?
- Is this study field is interesting for you or it is boring?
- Do you know the pros & cons of joining this study field?
- Do you know the scope of this study course in job market?
Students after answering these questions you should come to know that previous study field is accurate for you or you should change it. In Pakistan most of the students change their study field after graduation and now they choose a study field which has great scope in job market. But students you should not just consider the market scope of a study field but the important thing is that how much you are interested in a specific field.
There is a dilemma with Pakistani students that they actually don’t know what study field in perfect for them and how to select their career at the right time when they are school student. But after graduation nearly all the students come to know their talent and they find that they are studying another course and they have not any interest for that profession. So most of the students fell in frustration due to wrong selection of study field but students don’t worry you can change your field right now.
First of all explore your personality traits, your interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes and find out your expertise and professional skills which you have attained. The exploration of your personality would reveal you that which profession will suit you in the future. You also have to get information about different study fields and their scopes in the job market. You should be well aware that if you select a course to study then where you can get job after completion of study. After graduation most of the students have very much clear map of your career and they have selected the few fields where they have to go. Students if you have not a clear vision of your future planning first clear it and set a clear goal. You know your selected study field in master level definitely selects your future profession, so this is your last chance to select a career for you, be careful regarding it. After graduation most of Pakistani students usually quit education and only 2% students got admission in universities for higher studies. So consider the lucky one among those 2% so please be careful regarding choosing your course of study now.
You can also consult your teachers, fellow, friends and family members to help you for selecting your field but decision should be made by yourself.
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