The present day Pakistan seems to be polarized between two extremes. At one hand we are the nation of religious fundamentalists and on the other hand we are incredibly westernized. We live in two opposite poles under same domain. The fashion regime in universities of Pakistan depicts western culture more than traditional Muslim ethics. In the name of modernization, we have lost track of the accepted Islamic moral values, customs and cultural roots on the basis of which Pakistan was established. In this worrisome situation, Pakistani universities are under clutches of following unimpressive fashion trends that need to be changed:

1- Use of Drugs:

The use of drugs is surprisingly on rise in our universities among both boys and girls. Drug sellers group are being caught every now and then by police but the problem of drug abuse seems to be spread at higher education institutions of Pakistan at extensive level. It has become a fashion. One student forces another student to start using it and in this way drug abuse has become an incurable disease of our society. But who is to blame the university authorities or the government? The Huqqa bars, sheesha clubs, cigarettes and meth drugs are most popular among university students of Pakistan.

2- Demoralizing Cultural Events:

The trend of organizing music concerts and fashion shows in universities is the newly adopted trend to earn money. It the very trend which is giving fuel to immoral activities such as drugs usage, feuds on trivial matters, wastage of money and disinterest in education. The spell of modernization has forged an unrecoverable damage to our understanding of Islamic moral values and accepted ethics that we are unable to identify the actual cause of moral degeneration of our youth.

3- The Urge To be Famous:

The students are more concerned about being famous than gaining skills and knowledge. The agenda is not study; it is to become fashion icon on social media, have highest followers and to be popular. Education and knowledge has taken back seat in universities of Pakistan today. The trend to be fashion forward is more common among students than to be career focused; it is a problem that needs to be addressed.

4- The Loss of Cogent Thinking:

The university students are so overtly absorbed with fashion and popularity that they have missed the point of higher education. Higher education is meant for developing strong analytical thinking, reasoning capability, logical evaluations of matters, passing study courses with flying colors and problem solving ability in students that can change Pakistan’s future for betterment but in actual students are too busy in winning the fashion race.

5- Focus on Aesthetic Lure:

Ornamentation of character and mind is the main objective of education. But the shift of our focus is towards physical ornamentation in universities. Spending extravagant amount on fashionable clothes, expensive mobile phones, accessories and branded shoes is the main concern of students when the objective of education is to build a strong character, a descent personality, humble nature and kind attitude.

6- Dupatta is absent from Women’s Attire:

There was a time when women in Pakistan did not exit their houses without keeping dupatta on their heads. Now the dupatta is not even seen on shoulders. Wearing dupatta is almost old fashioned and odd and women find it to be backward ritual. Not even university authorities seem to care about it and in the name of fashion women’s attire without dupattas are becoming accepted element in our culture.

7- Being Outspoken in the Name of Feminism:

No other has given rights to women more than Islam but the same religion declares shyness to be ornament for women. Under the flag of feminism speaking loudly, being rude, exposing yourself, passing disrespectful statements is not beautiful and definitely not feminism. But unfortunately, the definition of feminism is distorted in universities and it revolves around shameful activities and unaccepted physical exposure under western apparel.

8- Following Western Culture and Defocus of Academic Purpose:

The Halloween parties are latest trend in Pakistani universities. Though, Halloween has nothing to do with neither Islam nor does it enriches personal and cultural ethics in youth. But just for the sake of keeping our western standards intact, we are wasting money on such absurd rituals. Instead of wasting extravagant amount on Halloween dresses, universities can organize charitable events, Islamic conferences debating contests on national issues to break this chain of demoralizing fashion trends. universities.

9- The Use of Mobile Phones:

Universities used to be place for attaining higher education under broad based curriculum with tight schedule. But teachers in universities have lost the grip over students and broadcasting has become the main purpose instead of studying. Students are more often busy doing photo shoots at cafeterias, using social media, texting, tagging each other for events than attending their lectures.

10- Opposite Gender Friendships:

Islam does not permit friendships between opposite genders but this Islamic canon is being totally ignored in our culture. Building camaraderie for academic assessments, quizzes and tests, debating on social issues and finding solution for national problems is another factor but the co education medium has taken path of immoral activities and religiously illegitimate relationships. The focus is no more education and career building; it is diverted towards vain activities.

Top Contributors

Mehran Ali

University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

249 Articles


171 Articles

Ammara Ghous

145 Articles


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M Abid Ayub

Punjab University PU Lahore

57 Articles

Jawairia Chaudary

PUCIT Lahore

56 Articles


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