Punjab government on Wednesday issued an arraignment notification to actor Hamza Ali Abbasi for spreading "false bits of gossip" about the recent wave of youngster kidnappings over the region.
Abbasi posted on his official Facebook page that the Govt of Sharif Royal Family has sent him an arraignment notice that he spread false gossipy tidbits around 900 kids being abducted from Lahore and spread "fear" in the general population.
The notification, served by the common government's open indictment division, expresses that the quantity of missing youngsters cited by Abbasi is inaccurate and is "short of what 33% that you Hamza has reported.
In light of the legitimate notification sent by the provincial government, the Mann Mayal performing artist additionally posted the connections of a few media outlets.
He said that Being a typical man, he gets the news and facts from news channels and daily paper articles so taking after are the connections (pre and post Aug third) of very much presumed media outlets on this matter.
He encourage that If previously mentioned data isn't right, then as opposed to sending notification to these media outlets from which Pakistanis get their data from, they sent him a notification demonstrating the unmistakable expectation of this Dictatorial Govt to bring down any well-known voice against them.