Though, the battle of sex is now come with another clash, and this time, it is weight loss. It is quite difficult for the women to lose weight faster as compared to the men. Is it true or false? Today this point is the topic of our discussion, so let’s have a look at it.
For long I have been jealous of men for one main cause, and that is they can eat whatever they want and still not heap on a majority of fat clasping their waistline. They eat, they burn, and it’s just gone. How do they actually do that? It is just not fair at all. Most of the women reading this this article know the agony of weight loss, and how persevering body fat can be.
While, In the case of women, the little desire of a delicious dessert will give them along with a blame trip, whereas men could gorge on the similar dessert without the little glare. And the most amazing thing that they can burn these calories just likes a piece of paper on a stove.
Why are men and women caused contrarily in terms of body fat and weight loss? And is it difficult for women to lose weight as compared to the men? Or it is this just a myth? Actually no, it is really very difficult for women to lose weight as compared to men. The study shows that women have to put in more effort to lose weight than the men, both in terms of exercise as well as diet.
Women, are we disappointed? Yes we are a bit disappointed. It is quite unfair, however that is how we are study more about it, let’s have a look at the points given below, that explain this additional credit that men get when it comes to losing weight faster.
Why is it More Difficult for Females to Lose Weight as compared to Men?
In Light of Science:
1) The Scientists at the University of Missouri showed a research on overweight men and women. They were all put on the same diet as well as on the same exercise routine. At the end, it was detected that men aided more from the fitness routine than the women on few program. They exercised the same, ate the same, but, men displayed much better verdicts in terms of fitness and in terms of weight loss as well.
2) The main cause why men lose weight faster is as they have a greater percentage of muscle in the body, whereas the body of the woman comprises of more fat. Muscles have a high metabolic amount contrasted with fats. Thus, it is the differences in body configuration that sets men in front of women as concerns weight loss is disturbed. Women contain the greater percentage of subcutaneous fat, whereas the men have more intuitive fat. Intuitive fat is metabolized faster as opposed to the subcutaneous fat.
3) The difference in the structure of body is because of the hormones. Men have higher levels of testosterone in their bodies, whereas the women have more amount of estrogen. So here, it is the testosterone in men that provide them along with more muscle as compared to fat.
4) A body of the women stores more fat due to the female hormone, estrogen. These hormones lead the body in a way to hoard more fat, so that prepare the body for reproduction and for the childbirth as well.
5) While conversing about the physical features of bodies of men and women, another reason why the amount of metabolism is higher in men, is that the, men have larger bodies in contradiction along with the little and typically delicate structures for women. Women also contain a smaller lung capacity. Hence, when women are working out, they feel that they are working out as hard as opposed to the men.
6) Another main point is that Men have a larger heart and lungs, and they also attain a higher amount of hemoglobin n contradiction with the women. What is its advantage? Well, the oxygen that is necessary during exercising is conveyed to the various parts of the body in the blood that comprises of high hemoglobin.
7) The body of the man responds more quickly to exercise as compared to the body of woman. During exercising, the body of the woman will go into a sort of starvation phase. It will lessen the rate of metabolism, as well as try to preserve as much fat as possible.
8) Men weigh is greatly more as compared to the weight of most of the women. So here, the calculation says, it takes more calories to support a bigger body of a man, as well as relatively lesser calories to support the little frame of a woman. Thus a man can eat more and also still scald more calories.
9) It is also perceived that, as women grow older; their level of estrogen goes down. Because of this drop, it gets more problematic for women to lose the weight, as they get mature. Science also unveils that estrogen moreover overpowers an enzyme that pointers to accretion of fat in the abdomen. That’s why when the level of estrogen goes down; this enzyme gets active, and also leads to abdominal fat storage.
In Light of Psychology
Psychological perceptive as to why women have a problematic time losing weight is, the brain as well as how it responds to the food. In women, the brain works inversely when bare to tempting food. Various studies have proved out this research.
1) A group of men and women were shown various spicy as well as delicious foods; however they were not permitted to eat them. After few hours, all of them were passed through a brain scan and it was detected that the brains cells of the woman still replicated hunger, whereas the brains of the men did not. It was decided that a brain of the woman is wired in a technique to eat, whenever food is available. The prerequisite to support pregnancy might be a main cause behind this.
2) There is also the possibility that the female hormones responding contrarily to that part of the brain which prompts or overpowers hunger. Besides this, women have also a lot of hormonal changes as compared the men. They just go through the fluctuations of mood, so reassuring cravings for food.
3) The other social factors might also affect a woman as well as the habits of her diet. In mostly situations, women are accountable for cooking. They spend much of their time in the kitchen. Therefore, you may need to deliberate the additional craving, nibbling as well as tasting of food, coming from the kitchen.
4) The body of a man is also more active as compared to the bodies of mostly women, at least in many situations. During childhood as well as growing years, boys normally play sports, climbing trees, and also hurtling each other. Moderately, girls spend most of their time indoors.
5) Deliberating all the above mentioned factors and searches, it can be said that it is definitely difficult for women to lose weight as compared to the men. It has been correctly said that, "it definite is hard being a woman!"
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