In 1918, the people were struggling with World War I and the Spanish flu pandemic hits the world causing the death of million people all across the globe. Its devastating effects were more severe than deadliest war on the planet. The routine activities were crippled and a wave of tension sweep across the planet. The virus was not confined to Spain only but is take the whole world by storm

Historical Perspective
Being the deadly disastrous in history, the pandemic flu lasts for two years. According to the data collected by the center of disease and control prevention, this virus took the lives of 50 million people. Currently, the coronavirus pandemic created fear and panic among the people as the disease is rapidly spreading. Almost 100 years ago, the spinach flu offers the long-lasting effects and struck the critical juncture of the world. Let’s have the look at how the new world emerged after surviving the worst disease of 1918.
Impacts On The Lives Of People
The non-pharmaceutical intervention was the only way to control this disease. Use of good hygiene, minimizing public gathering, disinfections were some of the preventive measures taken to stand against this disease. They were although imposed unevenly but still the areas where the lockdown was in place come up quickly with the after-effects of the pandemic. All the sectors of life had been affected. The virulence of the virus differs from one place to another. The death rate was considerably higher in some parts of Asia as compared to Europe, Australia, and North America. The people living in the same continents face different variations The Spanish flu majorly affects
- People younger than 5 years old
- 20-40 years old
- 65 years and older
Development in the Health Sector
The flu pandemic urged the need for the development sector. At that time, the technology was not developed. No vaccine was available even the causative agent of the Spanish flu also not identified. This leads the world to face several consequences as no medication is available to halt the spread of the disease.

Establishment of the World Health Organization
World Health Organization was established afterward to cope up with the problems associated with future disasters and pandemic. The major reason behind this is to come up with the expected solutions that can control the spread of the pandemic. The organization run under the supervision of trained and experienced health professional those are responsible to provide the appropriate guidelines to people related to the health issues.
The outbreak of coronavirus reminds the people about the Spanish flu pandemic that world faced almost a century ago.
Mehran Ali
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