Real Resources
A business meeting or educational forum that involves interaction materials meant to be written on by the participants is vital in developing a relationship between the instructor and other members of the meeting. This is where lamination comes into play.
A laminated sheet allows for note-taking and the sharing of information. Participants can write directly on the lamination, and the notes can be erased after the meeting. Laminated resources help items be used and reused. These things come in handy when multiple people need to write on the laminated sheets. These notes can be read, reviewed and used again in other forums. The key is to use the best lamination film for the job.
The Internet and Screen
While using the Internet is the norm of modern presentations, laminated resources are widely used for active participation and interaction. The Internet can be a disconnecting and distracting medium. It allows for a great resource of information, but limited interaction between people. Meetings such as teleconferencing or video chat must use the screen or the Internet. A screen is good for presentation, but the presented information directly in front of the participant has more of an impact.
Connect With the Audience
Using laminated resources helps the participant feel more connected to the information being presented and the presenter. The added plus is the instructor or trainer can reuse the materials.
No Power? No Problem!
What if you are in an area with limited connectivity or a complete absence of electronic resources? Laminated resources can be used for educational or training meetings at remote locations. A lot of businesses like to choose remote locations to facilitate thoughts and ideas. When away from distractions, participants may come up with better, more developed ideas. A meeting is successful when the participants feel comfortable enough to interact with the information.
The Power of Physical Materials
Participants enjoy reading and taking notes on their own materials. This allows the organization of materials. Once a participant feels more organized in their own way, they are able to study and absorb more information. Papers and laminated resources can help this information be distributed in an even and consistent manner. In a business meeting, you may have participants who have trouble reading the screens, navigating the Internet, and may learn more through physical, tangible resources.
Tied to the Screen and The Internet
While the screen and the Internet are good in moderation, too many times have we found we are tied to instruments without physical properties. Physical and tangible resources harness kinesthetic energy of the participant. It keeps them engaged and listening actively.
For documentation purposes, a screen and the Internet is of little or no use. A document in front of a participant, student, or trainee is critical in keeping, studying, and knowing the material. Ultimately, it is the perfect resource. Materials that can be distributed offer a chance for the participant to review the information after the training or business meeting.
The Internet is Not Perfect
You may have been in meetings where the Internet is being used for information sharing. The facilitator may have tabs open that interfere with the information and the presentation. This is disruptive and distracting, and, in some cases, can have disastrous effects.
Avoiding Internet usage during a meeting is not an easy task; there are several resources online that can be used in a good way. However, in order to develop a strong connection with your audience, it is best to have a physical, tangible resource at the disposal of the participant. The Internet can become a distracting tool, drawing people away from the core essentials of the meeting or training.
In today's world, the usage of laminated resources and non-electrical materials is almost unheard of. Imagine how productive a meeting or training could be without these elements. The connection developed between the trainees or participants is invaluable and cannot simply be replaced with the advent of electrical resources. The presence of a tangible and physical resource helps the participant become more involved with the work at hand and helps them understand the material better.
Ammara Ghous
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