Wishes and dreams require a lot of hard work and luck, sometimes despite the backbreaking studies the result does not come in favor, especially when you are trying to pursue your career as an MBBS doctor.


In such situations, mostly students repeat for years and waste many golden years of their life. If you are also planning to do the same after failing MBBS, let’s think again.


What if you get a chance to be a doctor and work in hospital despite failing in MBBS and that also without losing any year of your life?


Yes, it is possible. Also, we will tell you the best institute to pursue your medical education,  that not only offers financial aid to deserving students but international curriculum and practical knowledge.


So without a delay, let’s start:


14 Career Options for Medical Students if Failed in MBBS:

Here are 40 Career Options for Medical Students they can pursue after failing in MBBS. It will take merely 10 minutes, and you will become ready to write your own success story.


1. BS in Anesthesia Technology

By doing BS in anesthesia technology you become Anaesthesiologist. As an Anaesthesiologist, you will help doctors who give patients medicine to sleep during surgery.


Your duty is to ensure that equipment is ready, help with giving the medicine, and watch how patients are doing during surgery. The average salary for an Anesthesiologist in Pakistan is 780000/- PKR in 2024.


Other than Pakistan you can also pursue your career internationally as the degree is in high demand in countries like United States and Canada, etc.


Anaesthesiologist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


780,000/- PKR per annum (Source)

Demanding Countries

USA, UK, New Zealand, Canada, Lebanon, etc.


2. Optometrist

When you study optometry, you become an optometrist. Optometrists help people with their eyes. They check how well you can see and help you find the right glasses or contact lenses if you need them.


As an optometrist, you check people's eyes to see if they need glasses or if there are any problems with their vision. You also help people who have eye diseases or need special care for their eyes. With this, you can earn 570,000/- PKR per year.


Best countries to pursue your career in this alternative medicine degree are Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, UK, and USA.


Optometrist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS


Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


570,000/- PKR annually (Source)

Demanding Countries Canada, Honking, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, UK, and USA


3. Doctor of Physical Therapy:

Becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) means you'll help people move better and feel less pain. It's like being a coach for people's bodies!


As a physical therapist, you work with people who have trouble moving because of injuries, surgeries, or conditions like arthritis. You teach them exercises and stretches to make their muscles stronger and their joints more flexible. With this you can earn around 406,693/- PKR with just one job.


Best countries that are demanding DPTs are USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and many parts of the Western Europe.


Doctor of Physical Therapy Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


406,693/- PKR annually (source)


Demanding Countries

USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and many parts of the Western Europe.



4. BS Medical Imaging Sciences

One of the most interesting career options for medical student that can help them earn well is becoming a radiologist. In medical imaging and radiology, you get to take pictures of what's going on inside people's bodies.
It's like being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, you're helping doctors see what's happening inside their patients. As a medical imaging technician, you operate machines like X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans.

Your duty is to take pictures of bones, organs, and tissues inside the body. These pictures help doctors diagnose illnesses and plan treatments. The degree has huge scope in countries like Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and USA.


“According to survey a radiologist can earn up to160k PKR a month in Pakistan.”


To be a successful radiologist, you have to learn about special equipment and techniques that will help you to study these samples and provide important information to doctors.


A university that not only offers theoretical knowledge but also practical acquaintance of the field, is the one you should enroll in. The University of Faisalabad is one such institute that offers state of the art laboratories, expert teachers, and the curriculum is mostly based more on practical than theory.

Click the link to learn more.


Radiologist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


1,459,183/- PKR a year (source)

Demanding Countries USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and many parts of the Western Europe.


5. BS Medical Laboratory Sciences

Studying Medical Laboratory Sciences means you'll work in a laboratory to help doctors diagnose diseases and understand what's happening inside patients' bodies.


It's like being a scientist who helps solve medical mysteries! You will earn the title of Medical Technologist (MT), Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS), or Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS).


As a medical laboratory scientist, you'll collect and analyze samples like blood, urine, and tissue to find out if there are any signs of illness or disease.


Get admission in a university which is internationally renowned, teaches you practical stuff, and helps you get a placement as well. The University of Faisalabad offers not degree but also helps students in employment. Thousands of successful alumni are a speaking proof of their boast.


Salary of a successful Laboratory Technician is around 180K per year while the best countries having high demand of MLSs are Australia, India, and USA, even in the USA, MLS are in scarce amount and whoever is applying is getting jobs over there.


Medical Laboratory Scientist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


180K/- PKR a year (source)


Demanding Countries

USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and many parts of the Western Europe.



6. BS Dietetics and Nutrition Sciences

Studying Dietetics and Nutrition Sciences means you'll learn all about food and how it affects our bodies. You'll become an expert in helping people eat well and stay healthy!


As a dietitian, you'll work with people to create healthy eating plans that meet their individual needs. You'll teach them about the best foods to eat to stay strong and prevent illnesses.


You can work in hospitals, clinics, schools, or even have your own nutrition practice. Everyone needs to eat, so there are lots of opportunities to help people make better food choices.


It is estimated that the Nutritionist and Dieticians salary in Pakistan can increase up to PKR 1 lac as quick as they start practicing. If we talk about international demand and salary you can earn up to $64,000 and the best in demand country is Canada.


Dietitian Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


1 lac/- PKR a month (source)


Demanding Countries

USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and many parts of the Western Europe.



7. BS Nursing

Studying Nursing means you'll learn how to take care of people when they're sick or hurt. You'll become a superhero in scrubs, helping patients feel better and stay healthy!


The easiest course that is not limited to females only. In fact male and female nurses are in high demand in UK and are being offered free of cost visa with job, accommodation, and other benefits.


As a nurse, your duty is to work in hospitals, clinics, or even people's homes. You'll take care of patients by giving them medicine, helping them with daily tasks, and making sure they're comfortable and safe.


The salary for nurses is 515,567 in Pakistan.


Nurses Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


515,567/- PKR a year (source)

Demanding Countries


USA and UK, etc.



8. BS Dermal Technology:

If you have failed in MBBS and want to choose from the Career Options for Medical Students who want to be a doctor without losing a single year, you can do BS in Dermal sciences.


Many famous names such as Fazila Abbasi, Shaista Lodhi, and Dr. Khurram are all dermal graduates and experts. You will help people look beautiful and young and for that you will charge handsome amount.


With that, as a dermal technologist, you'll work with dermatologists to help patients with their skin concerns. You'll learn how to do things like facial treatments, laser therapy, and skincare assessments to improve skin health. And plastic surgery when reach on more expert levels.


You have vast career opportunities as you can work in skincare clinics, beauty salons, or even have your own skincare practice.


Salary, if you do a job, will be 128,000 PKR (starting salary) to 385,000 PKR (maximum salary). The best country to practice as a dermatologist is Japan, Brazil, India, Spain, and Australia.


Dermatologist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


385,000/- PKR a month (source)

Demanding Countries


Japan, Brazil, India, Spain, and Australia



9. BS Dental Technology

Studying Dental Technology means you'll become an expert in making smiles sparkle and keeping teeth healthy. You'll learn how to make dental tools, create crowns and braces, and help people have great dental health!


As a dental technologist, you'll work with dentists to make things like dentures, bridges, and mouth guards. You'll also help with dental implants and other treatments to improve people's smiles and oral health.


You can work in dental labs, clinics, or even have your own dental technology business one day! Everyone wants a bright, healthy smile, so there are lots of opportunities to help people with their dental needs.


You can earn up to 540,000 PKR per annum while the countries best to apply for the job are US, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, UAE, and many more.


Dentist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

UMDC Faisalabad


540,000 /- PKR a Year (source)

Demanding Countries


US, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia and UAE



10. BS Anesthesia Technology

Another yet one of the best Career Options for Medical Students after they failed in MBBS is doing BS in anesthesia Technology. By studying Anesthesia Technology you'll become an expert in helping patients feel calm and pain-free during surgery.


You'll learn how to assist anesthesiologists and ensure that surgeries go smoothly. You'll work closely with doctors to prepare equipment and medications used during surgery. You'll help monitor patients' vital signs and make sure they're comfortable while under anesthesia.

You can work in hospitals, surgical centers, or emergency rooms. The salary of an anesthesia technologist in Pakistan is around 1,139,775 a year and PKR 548 an hour in Pakistan. It is one of the highest paid jobs in Pakistan. While you can also apply for the degree in UK.
Anesthesia Technologist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


1,139,775 /- PKR a Year (source)

Demanding Countries


UK, USA, Canada and More



11. BS Psychology

By studying Psychology, you'll become an expert in understanding the human mind and emotions! As a psychologist, you'll work with people to help them understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


Your job is to provide support and guidance to those in need and help them feel better and live happier lives. You can work in hospitals, schools, counseling centers, or even have your own private practice one day!


In Pakistan, psychologists can earn a good salary such as 505,652/- PKR at start and later increase it based on their experience. There are also opportunities to work in other countries like Australia, Canada, UK, USA, Netherlands, France, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden.


Anesthesia Technologist Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


505,652/- PKR a Year (source)


Demanding Countries

Australia, Canada, UK, USA, Netherlands, France, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden



12. BS Healthcare Management

With BS in Healthcare Management, you'll become a leader in the healthcare field, making important decisions to keep things running smoothly.


Your job is to run hospitals and clinics smoothly, making sure patients get the best care possible. With that, you oversee the day-to-day operations of hospitals or clinics to ensure everything is running efficiently, from scheduling appointments to managing budgets and staffing.


As a management job holder, you can expect to earn more than others in their starting job days around 111,000 PKR a year. Salaries ranging from 25,600 PKR (lowest average) to 253,000 PKR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).


The best countries to apply for as a healthcare management professional are; Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA, Denmark, France, and Singapore.


Healthcare Manager Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


505,652/- PKR a Year (source)


Demanding Countries

Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA, Denmark, France, and




13. Doctor of Pharmacy

This degree relates to making you an expert in medicines and lean how do medications help people stay healthy. You'll learn all about different types of prescriptions and how to make sure patients use them safely and correctly.


You can work in pharmacies, hospitals, or even have your own pharmacy one day! Everyone needs medicine sometimes, so there are lots of opportunities to help people with their health.


With this degree and a normal job, you can earn up to 689,000/- PKR a year and the go-to countries to start your professional practices or higher studies are Canada, UK, US, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, UAE, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, and Singapore.


Doctor of Pharmacy Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years

Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

The University of Faisalabad


689,000/- PKR a Year (source)


Demanding Countries

Canada, UK, US, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, UAE, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, and Singapore



14. Pathology

Studying Pathology means you'll learn all about diseases and how they affect the body. You'll become a detective, using science to understand what makes people sick and how to help them get better.


As a pathologist, you'll study samples of tissues, blood, and other body fluids to find out what's causing a person's illness. You'll work in laboratories, using microscopes and other tools to look for clues that help doctors diagnose diseases.


You can work in hospitals, clinics, or research labs. Your job is important because you help doctors understand what's wrong with their patients so they can choose the best treatments.


In Pakistan, pathologists can earn a good salary. You can earn 6,681,279/- PKR a year. Besides, there are also opportunities to work in other countries where healthcare is important such as USA, UK, Singapore, and Gulf countries.


Healthcare Manager Salary and International Scope

Degree span

4 years


Degree fee

90% Less than MBBS

Best Institute

UMDC Faisalabad


6,681,279/- PKR a year (source)


Demanding Countries

Canada, UK, US, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, UAE, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, and Singapore



Bottom Line:

Failures are part of success and no botch should ever stop you from achieving your goals. You should stand up and faced all the obstacles on your way rather than giving up.


These 14 degree recommendations will work as guiding light for you. You can still be a doctor, in a different field and server the human kind better than an MBBS.


Which degree from these 15 Career Options for Medical Students in Faisalabad, would you choose to pursue? Let us know in the comments below.


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