Facebook removes the post of a famous actor, Hamza Ali Abbasi because of an update which he did for supporting the deceased Kashmiri leader, Burhan Wani, who was killed by Indian Army.
He revealed it through his twitter account that Facebook has removed his post. The status update before it was removed said, "Look at this man. He is not an ISI agent, he is not a Mullah inspired and Pakistani funded militant. He is Burhan Wani Shaheed. A Kashmiri who joined the freedom struggle of Kashmir when his brother was killed by Indian Army.” If Kashmir issue is not resolved according to the will of Kashmiris and UN resolutions, we have another Palestine in the making right in our backyard. #IAmBurhanWani #BurhanWaniShaheed #Kashmir.”
Hamza supported this issue by saying that he was just an ordinary boy, and he was killed for no reason, if this killing of innocent people will continue like this then Kashmir will become another Palestine for the world. It is not the first time Facebook has deleted his post, back in 2015 when Hamza posted about the “Paris attack”, his post was removed again.
The Facebook deactivated the account but later restored it after removing the post. He said that it is extremely absurd how the flag bearers of freedom of speech acts in this way for the ones who raise voice for victims of aggression.
Abbasi is no alien to controversy and is vocal on social media concerning politics and social matters. In his previous track in with Facebook, his Facebook status was also deleted following the Paris attack.
Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has also banned him from hosting his show in Ramadan due to the controversial remarks passed by him.
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