Every day in newspaper we read such sad news that many innocent people were killed in Drone attacks in Pakistan. The unmanned jet plans have been killed thousands of Muslims since 2002 to current era through hundreds of attacks. Now the question is that are we free nation if yes then where is our freedom. Our soldiers have aimed to protect us now what they are looking for, our own people are dying in our home land by the intruders of western nations.
Drone Attacks:
After the incident of 9/11 the USA government had decided to war against terrorism and have blamed Taliban that they are the responsible for such terrorism. For this purpose they have started war against Taliban in Afghanistan. USA government demanded support from Pakistan and our officials have granted that. The USA military and air force have been authorized to use Pakistani air bases. Initially these bases were used against the Taliban in Afghanistan but later on USA Central Intelligence Agency targeted Pakistani citizens of Northwest Pakistan.
Purpose of Drone attacks in Pakistan:
The USA officials said that they are doing war against terrorism, and the purpose of drone attack is to eliminate the terrorism. But actually there is a contradiction between their point of view regarding terrorism. If they really want to eliminate the terrorism then why they are targeting innocent Muslims who even don’t know to operate any armor. The overall objective of drone attacks is to create fear among the citizens of Northwest Pakistan.
Terrorism or Revenge Via Drone Attacks:
The overall picture of drone attacks clearly reveals that the US officials are taking revenge of 9/11 from the Muslims. This is not war against terrorism it is just the lame excuse to create the bad image of Muslims among the global community of nations. Specially the Muslims of Pakistan, the indirectly drone attacks in Pakistan are the major cause of this, our innocent people are dying and our officials are just taking the orders from the intruders who are not friends of Muslims and Pakistan.
Future Drone Attacks:
The USA officials trying their best to eliminate the terrorisms but actually they are doing their best to spread the terrorism. Because the terrorists are those who kill the innocent people without any cause and Americans Central Intelligence Agency taking all the actions to prove that they are the world’s worst terrorists. Their drones are made to spread terrorism in all areas of Muslim community whether it is Afghanistan or Pakistan. In coming days due to our governmental official support the drone attacks will spread in wide range across the Northwest Pakistan.
In Bottom Line:
Our people are dying by such killing machines that are operated by USA Central Intelligence Agency and out government officials and soldiers who have taken the oath to protect every life of civilians from the hostages. Now they are in our beloved country and killing our mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers and daughters. Unfortunately we are keeping silence and waiting for the best deeds.
Umer Fiaz
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