All around the world, there are different units set for measurement of different things. Likewise, for testing human intelligence I.Q (intelligence quotient) is the scale. But to spot an intelligent person in real life is not that hard. Based on research many people with higher I.Q have the propensity to have some commonalities. These assets are not an actual scale but are just a quick guide that can help you differentiate.
Given below are some common quirks shared amongst people who possess the caliber to be called "INTELLIGENT".
Learn new things
People who have higher I.Q tend to spends lot of time surfing the net for information or reading a book. Due to this habit, they have a variety of topics to talk upon. You see, the way their brains are designed continuous acquisition of knowledge is essential to them.
Intelligent people stay up late
People who are smart find it near to impossible to just shut down their brain and go to sleep at night. They spent hours at night trying to do work, just to look up stuff on the internet or having thoughts on a certain subject. According to a study done by Richard D. Robert and Patrick C. Kyllonen people who stay up at night are likely to have a higher I.Q level.
Are open minded
Fewer people are open to new experiences. Intelligent people possess this quality. They are also in search of adventure to learn something new. They know the experience of trying something has the disadvantage of turning out to be a disaster. But still, they know it was worth a shot. There are endless opportunities out there and we are our only limit.
Live in the present
As humans, we are prone to worrying about future and regret on past mistakes. But anyone who does not live in now lives in an illusion. People who understand this are considered to be intelligent people. Moreover, they have firm believe in being realistic and are great decision makers.
Maintain a balance
Having a goal in life, next to being able to experience all the other things in life is a rare sight. People find it really hard to maintain a healthy balance in life. People with greater mental abilities somehow manage to find a balance.
Adapt to change
Smart people know it is important to have a flexible attitude towards life. In any situation what so ever the circumstances they adapt to succeed.
Think before they speak
When in anger, people habitually say things they don't first think about. Intelligence also requires emotional balance. People who are emotionally intelligent firstly process their thoughts before delivering them to the world.
They know life is not fair
Life is a mystery; people often die trying to solve it. Thinking your life is not fair, is a funny story. People who are realistic know this actuality. They strive for a better life instead of complaining. They can't control everything, as an alternative, they control their own perspective about life.
They are curious
It is in their DNA to question everything why? When? How? They constantly question all that is around them. They are always involved in forming theories than researching on them to find new facts which will lead to a new discovery. Curiosity is after all that brought us to where we are.
They are resourceful
Intelligent people make use of resources around them to find a solution to a given problem. They might not have much to work with but handle the situation with ease.
To know more about I.Q visit
What qualities do you think are common in intelligent people? Also, do you think you have all these signs to be ranked as an intelligent person?
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