Eid is one of the most important holy celebrations in the life of a Muslim. There are two Eids that Muslims celebrate in the course of a year. One is Eid-ul-Fitar, which is celebrated after the month of Ramadan to thank Allah for all his blessing. Another one is Eid-ul-Azha which indicates the sacrifice Muslims are willing to do in the way of Islam.

The whole world is terrified by the terrible outbreak of the Corona Virus and living standards have totally changed among people. This will also show effects on this year’s EID as well. As the Month of Ramadan is passing by, Eid-ul-Fitr is upon us.
Here in this article, we are going to discuss how this year EID is going to be different from all other Previous EIDS.
1. Less Crowd In EID Prayer

Offering EID prayer is one of the most important Muslim rituals. This prayer means that we are united and thankful to all of Allah’s blessings. Every year Muslims offer this prayer in huge crowds. All areas of the Muslim community all over the world offer this prayer.
This year the situation is going to be different. Right now we are facing a situation of lockdown and social distancing. The conditions are way different than previous EIDS. There will be way less crowd in the Mosque to offer EID prayer than it was in the past. People will prefer to offer prayer in their homes as they did in the past two months.
2. People Will Greet EID Differently

In previous years the greeting of EIDs was supposed to be passionate and include hugs. People show affection about each other by hugging them three times. People meet each other and that includes physical contact on a mass level.
Now, as the situation requires social distancing from each other. The greetings of this year’s EID will be way different than previous years. People will greet each other from a distance and there will be less physical contact.
3. People Avoid Social Gatherings

EID is a holy festival in which those people who don’t meet each other the whole year gather together for a chat. In this fast life, EID is one of those events where people get together and have a laugh. It is an event when friends and family come together.
This year due to the crucial situation of COVID-19 people are going to avoid these kinds of social gatherings. They are going to stay away from each other. People will avoid mass gathering.
4. People Will Avoid Street Foods

At EID eating a bunch of street food is a tradition especially for the kids. There are many street food vendors who put up their stalls just on EID. People love these tasty treats and eat them often on EID.
As people are worried about hygiene and this virus also spread through food. This year the business of these street food vendors is going to get affected a lot. Those people who have a tooth for these street foods are going to kill their desires and will try their best to stay away from street food.
5. Economic Situation

As we all know that our country is on lockdown for the last two months. Almost 70% of businesses in Pakistan is affected by COVID-19 in the last two months. People are facing huge losses in their businesses and the economic situation overall is bad.
People will try to cut off all the extra expenses that they use to do during EID in previous years. Those luxuries will be cut down that people used to enjoy the event of EID in previous years.
6. Eid Shopping is Affected

EID shopping was also a big part of EID celebrations. People love to buy new clothes for the festival of Eid. Chaand Raat was supposed to be the night when most people go out in the markets and buy new clothes for them.
Keeping in mind the current situation and lockdown on all big malls and markets the EID shopping will be way different this year. People will prefer to wear old clothes or order something online to wear on EID. This means that there will be no crowded market on this Chaand Raat.
7. There Will Be No Family Feasts
As we mentioned earlier that on the event of EID relative gather together. This means that they also have big family feasts together. These family dinners were also a big part of the EID celebration in previous years.
Currently, these Family feasts look impossible to host by any of the family members. There are two main reasons for this. First of all, people are avoiding social contact because of COVID-19. The second one is that people are not financially stable due to lockdown.
8. People Prefer Home Instead of Going Out

In the past, most people make a plan to visit any Northern areas of Pakistan on EID because of the holidays and get together between friends and family. This year the situation is going to be way different than previous years.
This year there will be no outings and trip plans. People will prefer to stay at home instead of going on a trip. As we know that this disease spread through social contact people and especially in cold areas. So, it is a good idea to stay at home.
9. Fewer People Go Back To Their Aative Areas
In previous years all those people who migrate to some other areas travel back to their native areas on EID. This way they can spend this festival of joy with their loved ones. This year the situation is going to be totally different than past years.
People won’t go back to their native areas. The main reason behind this is that they are avoiding social contact. It is very difficult to avoid social contact when you are among your relatives. So, the wise choice will be to spend their EID on their current address.
10. Spirit of EID Will Be Different
Last but not least, the spirit of EID will be different. In previous EIDS the energy of everyone is very high during the time of EID. The main reason behind this is that people are away from their daily work routine and enjoy holidays with their loved ones. Basically they are stress-free.
This EID the situation is way different. People are in a constant state of fear and stress due to the COVID-19 outbreak. As the number of cases is increasing day by day people are becoming more mentally frustrated. In all this mess the spirit of EID is lost. People are not that enthusiastic about EID this year that they were in previous years.
So, these are the 10 ways in which this EID is going to be different than Previous EIDS. But still, there is a hope that the situation is going to get better with time. In the end, it is advised to all that please keep social distancing this EID. Live another year to celebrate EID, because eventually, this situation is going to get better.
Ammara Ghous
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