1 |
The molecules of an ideal gas exert |
- A. Force on each other
- B. No force on each other
- C. Large force on each other
- D. Pressure on each other
2 |
According to first law of thermodynamics the quantity which is conserved. |
- A. Force
- B. Momentum
- C. Energy
- D. Power
3 |
When hot and cold water are mixed, the entropy. |
- A. Decreases
- B. Increases
- C. Remain constant
- D. Zero
4 |
Heat is form of. |
- A. Power
- B. Momentum
- C. Energy
- D. Torque
5 |
Which is an example of irreversible process. |
- A. Explosion
- B. Evaporation
- C. Slow compression
- D. A chemical explosion
6 |
In case the work done in zero. |
- A. Constant pressure
- B. Constant volume
- C. Constant temperature
- D. Constant mass
7 |
Cloud formation in atmosphere is an example of. |
- A. Isothermal process
- B. Isochoric process
- C. Adiabatic process
- D. Isobaric process
8 |
At which of the following temperature a body has maximum internal energy. |
- A. -273 <sup>o</sup>C
- B. 0 K
- C. 273 K
- D. -273 K
9 |
The number of spark plug needed in diesel engine is |
10 |
The kinetic energy of molecules of an ideal gas at absolute zero is |
- A. Very low
- B. Very high
- C. Zero
- D. First increases then decreases