1 |
The height of Siwaliks range is: |
- A. Up to 1,000 meters
- B. Up to 2,000 meters
- C. Up to 500 meters
- D. Up to 600-900 meters
2 |
Which mountain is located between Kabul river and Kurram river: |
- A. Koh-e-Safed
- B. Siwaliks range
- C. Karakoram range
- D. Salt range
3 |
Length of Siachan glacier is: |
- A. 55 Km
- B. 60Km
- C. 75Km
- D. 45Km
4 |
Holiday resort of Murree is located in: |
- A. Siwaliks range
- B. Pri Panjal range
- C. Himalayas ranged
- D. Potwar plateau
5 |
Highest peak of Sulaiman mountains is: |
- A. Takh-i-Sulaiman
- B. Sad-Istragh
- C. Seka ram
- D. Agram
6 |
Baroghil Pass located in Hindukush mountains provide linkage between : |
- A. Badakhshan and Pakistan
- B. Herat and Pakistan
- C. Wakhan and Pakistan
- D. Sinkiang and Pakistan
7 |
The Kirthar hills are located along the boundary of: |
- A. Baluchistan and KPK
- B. Sindh and Baluchistan
- C. Baluchistan and Punjab
- D. Punjab and Sindh
8 |
Beautiful lakes of Kallar Kahar, Khabeki and Uchchali are located in: |
- A. Potwar Plateau
- B. Baluchistan plateau
- C. South Wazirsitan
- D. Southern Punjab
9 |
Potwar plateau cover's about, how much area of Pakistan ? |
- A. 15000 sq miles
- B. 16000sq miles
- C. 18000sq miles
- D. 10000sq miles
10 |
River Gomal provide boundary to the Waziristan hills? |
- A. Southern boundary
- B. Northern boundary
- C. Eastern boundary
- D. Western boundary