1 |
K-2 peak located in Karakoram has height of: |
- A. 8,600 meters
- B. 8,510 meters
- C. 8,611 meters
- D. 8,900 meters
2 |
Baroghil Pass located in Hindukush mountains provide linkage between: |
- A. Badakhshan and Pakistan
- B. Herat and Pakistan
- C. Wakhan and Pakistan
- D. Sinkiang and Pakistan
3 |
Total plain and desert area of Pakistan is: |
- A. 4,00,000 sq Km
- B. 5,50,000sq Km
- C. 3,28,000sq Km
- D. 3,35,000sq Km
4 |
River Gomal provide boundary to the Waziristan hills ? |
- A. Southern boundary
- B. Northernboundary
- C. Easternboundary
- D. Westernboundary
5 |
Lower Indus plain is located in the province of: |
- A. SIndh
- B. Punjab
- C. KPK
- D. Sindh
6 |
Baroghil Pass located in Hindukush mountains provide linkage between : |
- A. Badakhshan and Pakistan
- B. Herat and Pakistan
- C. Wakhan and Pakistan
- D. Sinkiang and Pakistan
7 |
Pakistan's northern and north eastern mountains: |
- A. Are located in four parallel series
- B. Are located in three parallel series
- C. Are located in five parallel series
- D. Are located in two parallel series
8 |
Cholistan desert is in the: |
- A. South-east of Punjab
- B. North-east of Punjab
- C. Between river Jhelum & Sindh
- D. Between river Ravi & Sutluj
9 |
North-eastern and north-western mountains of Pakistan were fromed: |
- A. In tertiary era
- B. In quaternary era
- C. In pre-cambrian era
- D. In Cambrian era
10 |
Beautiful mountain peak of Rakaposhi is located in: |
- A. Karakoram range
- B. Hindu-Kush mountains
- C. The great Himalayas
- D. Siwaliks range