1 |
Number of factors of production is |
- A. One
- B. Two
- C. Three
- D. Four
2 |
If price decreases but supply remains constant, it is called: |
- A. Fall in supply
- B. Contraction in supply
- C. Expansion in supply
- D. Rise in supply
3 |
One of the following is not included in labour |
- A. Teaching of a teacher in a school
- B. Working of a clerk in an office
- C. To follow a case by a lawyer
- D. To look after the child by his mother
4 |
One of the following is not included in the characteristics of labour |
- A. Labour and labourer cannot be separated
- B. Labour can be stored
- C. Labour has limited mobility
- D. Supply of labour is inelastic
5 |
In case of horizontal supply curve, Es is: |
- A. Mero than unity
- B. Less than unity
- C. Zero
- D. Infinite
6 |
When price increases, supply: |
- A. Contracts
- B. Expands
- C. Remains fixed
- D. Becomes zero
7 |
If price increases but supply remains constant, it is called: |
- A. Fall in supply
- B. Contraction in supply
- C. Expansion in supply
- D. Rise in supply
8 |
One of the following is not called land |
- A. Rain
- B. Mountain
- C. Forests
- D. Mangla Dam
9 |
Quantity of a commodity which is offered for sale in a market is called: |
- A. Trade
- B. Supply
- C. Demand
- D. Stock
10 |
Stock means the quantity: |
- A. Sold in market
- B. Which is offered for sale
- C. Which exist in warehouse
- D. Of total production