1 |
Economics according to its scope is |
- A. Science
- B. Art
- C. Science & Art
- D. Only positive science
2 |
Who is called founder of modern school of thought |
- A. Robbins
- B. Cannon
- C. Keynes
- D. Malthus
3 |
Founder of modern school of thought: |
- A. Adam smith
- B. Marshall
- C. Ricardo
- D. Robbins
4 |
Which one is not studied in micro economic |
- A. National income
- B. Consumer behavior
- C. Market equilibrium
- D. Firm's equilibrium
5 |
"The nature of significance economics sciences" was written in: |
- A. 1930
- B. 1936
- C. 1932
- D. 1890
6 |
Marshall belonged to the country |
- A. America
- B. England
- C. France
- D. Japan
7 |
According to Marshall, Economics is |
- A. Social Science
- B. Correcting science
- C. Positive science
- D. Moral science
8 |
The whom individuals Marshal included in definition of economics |
- A. Service of teachers
- B. People living in forests
- C. Trading professionals
- D. People living in caves
9 |
According to Robbins, the basic concept of Economics is |
- A. Political problem
- B. Economic problem
- C. Psychological problem
- D. Religious problem
10 |
To describe as it is, after seeing and analyzing any event, is known as |
- A. Normative science
- B. Positive science
- C. Biological science
- D. For casting science